Lineup Announcements

End of the Road Festival

I’ve been working with End of the Road festival in some capacity for nearly 20 years.

For a short while I also ran End of the Road Films with the festival’s founder, Simon.

My main video contributions to the festival have been in the form of lineup announcements. Some of which can be seen below.

2018 - 2020

For these 3 years I worked with Kai Wong, who’s been behind the festivals’ illustration work since … forever. Kai would send me over ideas and bits of illustration, and I’d work out a way of putting that together into a video. It’s a pretty DIY improvisational way of working, and it’s what’s at the heart of EOTR, and what brought me and Kai on board in the first place.



It's Nice That printed some of my rambling words about this one.

In addition to the lineup video I animated a short interview with Mac De Marco which you can see below.


As I tend to be down on site a week or so before the festival starts every year, I also put together a setups video which goes out on socials the day before guests arrive. It’s a quick turnaround, but it’s always a fun opportunity to throw something chaotic together. Here’s some of the videos I’ve made over the years: