A stop-motion short.
Created over the lockdown of 2020, ‘Stones’ is a folk horror stop motion animation about nostalgia for home and connection to landscape. The film was produced in collaboration with Last Conker, and funded by the BFI.
When you grow up in the countryside and leave for the city, returning home is a complex experience. Everything has changed and it’s hard to see where you belong. But when you walk out into the countryside, away from the people, the landscape has the same spirit as when you left. There is a permanence in the earth and the stones. You can tie your soul to the land. This film is an exploration of the yearning for belonging, with the added complexity of race - which we are highlighting by placing the characters as British East Asians, eating a picnic of Southeast Asian food.
Stones Premiered at London International Animation Festival and went on to screen at various film festivals around the world. It was featured on DIRECTORS NOTES, and is available to watch on the sci-fi and fantasy platform DUST.